Proper Vintage is owned and run by Jaqui & Brian, partners in business & in life. The business started as a hobby after retirement but very soon it became much more than that ! We do aim to retire one day but not just yet.
Brian has a PhD in Biochemistry but has more than 30 years experience in the French Polishing trade & has the important job of restoring the furniture, so can usually be found in the workshop whilst listening to the radio and having a go at the pop master quiz! Jacqui has a background in book-keeping which comes in handy at year end !
We use state-of-the-art water borne lacquers as used by manufacturers. They have been certified to FIRA Standard 6250 for surfaces in heavy/severe use and are superior to any oil or wax. The finishing process we have developed maintains the timbers colour and warmth and enhances figure, grain definition and chatoyance. On Antiques we use traditional French polishing methods.
Here you can find examples of previously sold items which have found new homes..
If you find something here that you are interested in let us know and we may be able to source it for you. Click on the bigger image for the make and model.